Yoga in a Toga

February 5, 2010 at 11:27 am 3 comments

Well, okay. Not in a toga. But I do love a toga and really wish they’d come back into fashion so I wouldn’t look like such a weirdo when I wear one!

Actually, this post is about my newest favorite thing in the UNIVERSE, which is yoga. I started taking classes this week at the YMCA. The YMCA is awesome because, if, like me, your family is on a reduced income, you can join for a reduced rate, and still get the same benefits as full-price-paying members. (Child care is also included in the membership. I don’t have kids, but I think that’s great!)

I started off with a pilates class, which was really hard, but also really good. And then I took a yoga class, more on a whim than anything. See, for a long time (years), I’ve thought I would like yoga, that it was even something I needed. But I never did anything about it because money was always an issue. Well, and initiave, too (as long as we’re being honest). I did try  some yoga videos I downloaded off the internet, but just wasn’t that inspired by them.

The yoga classes, however, are A-MA-ZING. I like it so much I told my brother I was probably going to turn into one of those people that goes around saying “Namaste” to everyone they meet. If that happens, I guess I’ll officially be beyond caring what anyone thinks about me. I’ll probably be wearing a toga, too.

This morning I went to a class that was mostly filled with seniors, and holey moley, some of those old ladies are flexible! I thought I was flexible, but some of those women are practically contortionists! I was impressed, and inspired! That’s how I want to be when I’m old.

Another reason I like the YMCA is that there’s a more diverse group of people there than you will typically find at your average $100-a-month fitness clubs. No meat heads slavering over the weight machines, no ladies working out with a full face of make-up and checking out their own taut behinds in the mirror. At the YMCA, it’s young people and old people mixed together, hippies and yuppies, the fit and the not-so. It’s my kind of scene, really. No one seems like they’re trying to impress anyone else, and while people are friendly, no one is actively scoping out anyone else, scorning their lower settings on the treadmill or their not-so-downward dog.

I haven’t checked out the water aerobics yet, but I plan to soon and will post about it here. In short, I highly recommend joining the YMCA! There seems to be something there for everyone!


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3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Judy  |  February 8, 2010 at 2:21 pm

    My goodness! If that pic is you, you are plenty flexible and balanced. As soon as I get a balance board for my Wii Fit Plus, I’m going to check out the yoga that is part of it. Flexible I am no longer and older I am getting each day…so I don’t know how it will work for me. I’m hoping well.

    Enjoyed your post.

    oxo Judy

  • 2. Emerald  |  February 10, 2010 at 12:59 pm

    Ha ha! That picture is not me- I stole it from the internet. I hope very much to one day be strong and balanced enough to do things like this, but I’m still a yoga-newbie, which means I wobble and tremble a lot.

    One of the ladies in my class was talking about her balance board- she said it’s a great workout! Good luck!

  • 3. Togas  |  October 9, 2010 at 3:01 am

    love to browse your site…always learn something new

    Toga Party


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